Chronology of the main operations
carried out by Jean-Pierre Dutilleux
in the Brazilian Amazon, outside the rest of the world, between 1973 and 2017.
(*) For available docs, you can get in touch with Jean-Pierre Dutilleux.
First expeditions of Jean-Pierre Dutilleux in the Amazon.
First meeting with brothers Claudio and Orlando Vilas-Boas, who introduces Dutilleux to indigenism.
Dutilleux's first encounter with Raoni, who transmits his despair to the countless deaths, especially among the children. They are caused by new diseases brought by Brazilian settlers such as influenza, bronchitis, measles, smallpox, tuberculosis against which they have no immunity or no cure.
Available docs including the movie "Indians"
Benefit evenings
Benefit evening in London with Mr. Dutilleux's first film "Indians".
Funds raised by Survival International have enabled the Vilas-Boas brothers to fund a vaccination campaign among the endangered Rio Xingu tribes.
Benefit evening in Belgium for the benefit of the Xingu tribes, in Malmedy, Mr. Dutilleux's hometown.
Available documents: various
Directed by Dutilleux the film "Xingu, the white man is coming" for the BBC. This film describes the work of the Vilas-Boas brothers, founders of the first Indian reserve in Brazil.
Directed by Dutilleux the film "Raoni", the first film in Brazil whose main performer is an Indian, Raoni; he denounces the deforestation and the tragic fate of the Indian populations. During filming, Dutilleux is threatened with death by warriors hostile to the presence of any "white" on their land. Raoni saves his life, Dutilleux gives him his word to help protect the ancestral lands of his people.
Available docs including the movie "Raoni"
The film "Raoni" is in official selection at the Cannes Film Festival
First press conference to denounce the destruction of the Amazon rainforest with the participation and support of the famous English actor Peter Ustinov.
The film circulates in other festivals and wins several awards.
Mr. Dutilleux goes to the United States and meets Marlon Brando who agrees to support the fight of Raoni and participate in the English version of the film.
Mr. Dutilleux persuades Mr. Brando to go to Washington for the arrival of "the longest march" a protest of the North American Indians at the threats of the American Congress to suppress the system of Indian reserves.
Dutilleux films the meeting between Mr. Brando and the Indians, this will be the opening sequence of the English version of the film "Raoni".
Mr. Brando finances the final editing of the film at Twenty Century Fox.
A gala evening takes place at the Mann's Chinese Theater in Hollywood to qualify the film for the Oscars. The actor Jon Voight is the master of ceremonies, the big names of the American cinema are in the room as well as the representatives of the big Indian nations who announce their support to the fight of Raoni to protect the Amazon forest and the tribes who live there.
The film is named as Best Documentary at Oscars 1978
In Brazil, the film wins 6 awards, including Best Film at the Gramado Festival (equivalent to Brazilian Oscars). The film is distributed throughout Brazil. Raoni, the man and his fight, become famous.
Available documents: many including the book "The White Indian" published by Robert Laffont.
North American Indians ask Mrs. Brando and Dutilleux to take an Indian delegation to the Amazon to support the fight of Raoni. The military dictatorship in Brazil and the FUNAI prohibit this operation which risks to raise the Indians against the government.
Mr. Dutilleux opens the first bank account for Raoni and his nephew Megaron at the Banco do Brasil in Sao Paulo.
Raoni and Kayapo Indians receive from Embrafilme distribution company royalties on film revenue (10%)
The film Raoni is the first in Brazil to provide royalties to Indians. Since then, this has become a legal obligation.
Following the massacre of 14 woodcutters by the Kayapos Indians, Mr. Dutilleux goes on site and his report, widely distributed around the world denounces illegal deforestation on Kayapos lands.
The Brazilian government takes protective measures and reserves a first protected area for the Raoni tribe.
Mr. Dutilleux directed in Africa for an American channel, the movie "The Rhytmatist" with Stewart Copeland, founder and percussionist of the Police group. During the filming Dutilleux shares with Stewart his worries about the Amazon and the Indians.
Stewart presents Sting to Dutilleux who proposes to the singer to become the standard bearer of the Amazon cause. Sting refuses.
Mr. Dutilleux takes Jean François Bizot, journalist and founder of the magazine "Actuel" in the Amazon. They find Raoni in his village and with him, go around the huge territory of Kayapos in a taxi plane.
They visit many villages where Raoni is welcomed as a hero, he becomes aware of the importance of his task. With Dutilleux, they trace the periphery of the reserve that must be conquered.
It is the birth of the project of demarcation of the Indian territories of Xingu, immortalized by the photos of Dutilleux. The report will cover Actuel.
After 7 years of negotiation, Dutilleux finally gets the authorization of the Brazilian government for the arrival of a single Indian North American leader to meet the Brazilian Indians.
It will be Red Crow, a Sioux chiefRed Raven meets Raoni in his village of Xingu and gives him the sacred pipe of the brothers of the North as well as their support in his fight.
Mr. Dutilleux meets Sting, once again, this time in Rio on the occasion of his first concert after the dissolution of the Police group, he finally persuades the famous singer to accompany him in the Amazon.
In December 1987, Sting and his wife Trudie accompany Dutilleux in the Amazon. They meet Raoni and fall in love with the Indians of Rio Xingu.
The photos of Dutilleux and the article written by Sting, circumnavigate the world, the funds earned by Dutilleux through the sales of the reports are the first used to create the foundation Rainforest (RFF) in Los Angeles.
Sting asks Dutilleux to pick up Raoni in the Amazon for the Amnesty International Concert in São Paulo. Raoni goes on stage with Sting, Peter Gabriel and Bruce Springsteen. He is acclaimed by the crowd of young Brazilians who take up the cause for the Indian leader.
Meeting of Dutilleux and Sting with Sarney, the first president of Brazil after the fall of the military dictatorship.
The two men seek permission to take Raoni abroad to raise the funds necessary to limit the ancestral lands of the Kayapos Indians,
Brazil does not have the means to do so, as required by the constitution.
Sarney declares: "The world wants to save the Amazon, that the World pays to save it! He grants a passport to Raoni, the first for a Brazilian Indian.
Creation of the association for the Virgin Forest (AFV) in France and Belgium.
1st tour of the chef Raoni orchestrated by Mr. Dutilleux and the AFV with Raoni, Raven Red, Sting and Dutilleux. This will be the first international campaign to safeguard tropical forests and indigenous peoples. A world tour through 17 countries in 60 days with the support of TF1, Paris-Match, the BBC, Lattes editions etc.
Rainforest foundations are established in 12 countries and large sums are raised to finance the Indian land boundary.
Available papers including the book "Raoni, the world tour of an Indian" with Patrick Mahé edition no.1.
Mr. Dutilleux embarks on an international conference tour sponsored by Sebastian's company: New York, Los Angeles, Paris, Miami, Rhodes Island, San Francisco, Cleveland, Montreal, Toronto, Helsinki, Santo Domingo etc.
The result is a major fundraiser for the Rainforest Foundation (RFF), which contributes to the demarcation of Kayapos lands.
Mr. Dutilleux goes to the Yanomami tribe in the north of Brazil and finds a deadly malaria epidemic that decimates the indigenous populations.
With help from the New York Rainforest Foundation, an emergency plan is in place to rescue them.
Presidential decree homologating the reserve of Kayapos Indians, an area of 120,000 KM2. Contiguous with the Xingu National Park (60,000 KM2) created by the Vilas-Boas in 1960, the ensemble measures 180,000 KM2.
The Indian Grand Reserve Xingu is one of the largest in the world with an area equivalent to one third of France or six times that of Belgium. Mission accomplished
Mr. Dutilleux is carrying out a humanitarian mission in Xingu to distribute in the reserve of the cruelly missing medicines to cure the Indians affected by the diseases of "Whites". Dr. Dutilleux, father of Jean-Pierre, is in charge of the dosages. This operation is sponsored by "Pharmaciens sans frontières", the AFV and the Gelin family (Daniel, Xavier and Hugo).
Dutilleux returns to Xingu to revive the project of the Xingu Institute renamed Xingu Institute. The caciques of Haut Xingu give their agreement to the project. Hired for a series of conferences, he gets the funds requested by the Yawalapiti Indians for the reconstruction of their village destroyed by a fire.2009
Dutilleux is mandated by Patrick Mahé and Editions du Rocher to propose to Raoni the writing of his memoirs.
Raoni receives half the rights of the book and an advance on rights which is paid to Raoni by Mr. Dutilleux at the Belgian Embassy in Brasilia.
Docs: scene filmed by Gert-Peter Bruch for the AFV - August 2009 Raoni spends a month at Mr. Dutilleux in Brazil to tell him his memoirs.
Docs: Interviews filmed by Gert-Peter Bruch for the AFV.
4th Raoni campaign in Europe (Belgium, France, Switzerland)
Meetings with Jacques Chirac, Prince Albert, Red Carpet and climbing steps at the Cannes Film Festival etc.
Release of the book "Memoirs of an Indian Chief" at Editions du Rocher.
5th and last campaign of Raoni organized by Mr. Dutilleux and the AFV in Europe.
Main objective: operation of the two eyes of Raoni (severe cataracts), successful operation thanks to the support of the surgeon, the Yves Rocher Foundation and the AFV. Other objectives, denounce the Belo Monte dam and raise funds to demarcate a new endangered area on the edge of the reserve (Kapote Ninhore)
Raoni Meets Jacques Chirac, Michel Drucker, he is made citizen of honor of the city of Paris by the mayor Bernard Delanoe and participates in a conference of the united nations in Geneva.
Août 2012
Dutilleux organizes a shoot with the Indians of Xingu with Mr. Bernard de la Vilardiere and obtains a large donation from the production house "Line Front" for the Indians of the high Xingu.
Septembre 2013
Humanitarian mission organized by Mr. Dutilleux with Henri de Bontin, the support of the Albert 2 Foundation, AFV.
120 kilograms of medicine distributed by single-engine aircraft in the villages of the Xingu Great Reserve.2016
April 2016. In the city of Colider, near the borders of the Xingu Great Reserve, visit the headquarters of the Raoni Institute. Meetings of Mr. Dutilleux with Raoni and several great caciques Kayapos.
Raoni signs in front of the caciques, a publishing contract at Arthaud (Flammarion) giving him 50% of the rights of the book whose provisional title is "Moi Raoni", a series of interviews (release scheduled for the end of 2018).
July 2016: Realization of the documentary "An Amazonian story" for the channel ARTE (Broadcast August 2018)
August 2016 Operation Xingu-Kuarup 2016:
Under the aegis of the AFV, the Yves Rocher Foundation and other supporters, donation of 8000 euros to the Yawalapiti Indians for the costs of organizing the funeral ceremony of the Kuarup, in tribute to the late leader Piriakuman, a great friend of Mr. Dutilleux.
February, Raoni invites Mr. Dutilleux in his village of Metuktire in Brazil, mission conducted with the support of the AFV, friends and personal funds of Mr. Dutilleux. Raoni shares his concerns about the future of the Xingu Great Reserve and the future of the Indians. This meeting is filmed and available.
April, diverse conferences of Dutilleux to promote with the creation of Xingu Institute and the protection of the big reserve, last rampart on the Eastern front of the Eastern Amazon.
The Reedsmith firm announces its legal support of the Xingu Institute and Mr. Dutilleux.
January to March, Mr. Dutilleux holds diverse conferences to promote the creation of the Xingu Institute and the protection of the big reserve, last rampart on the Eastern front of the Eastern Amazon.
The Reedsmith legal firm announces its legal support of the Xingu Institute and Mr. Dutilleux.
April Mr. Dutilleux goes to Brasilia to meet French and Belgian diplomats to present the concept of a new campaign for the Amazon planned for 2019. He also brings to these embassies indigenous to introduce them to the diplomats.
Evidentiary substantiation can be obtained at these embassies.
September, Mr. Dutilleux returns to Brasilia and the Xingu with Robert Dardanne, VP of the AFV.
They meet in the upper Rio Xingu with main Chiefs Tapi and Aritana to discuss the 2019 campaign then proceed to lower Xingu to meet with chief Raoni and the Kayapo leadership.
- The chiefs demand in a video interview that a video, made against Mr. Dutilleux by a radicalized ex-member of the AFV, be removed from the Internet.
- They confirm that they want Mr. Dutilleux and the AFV to set up the 2019 campaign.
Documents signed by all the chiefs present at the meeting confirm 1. And 2. above and are available as Evidentiary substantiation.
Late November /early December Mr. Dutilleux with the support of AFV returns to Brasilia and to Xingu to meet Chief Raoni to discuss plan for the 2019 campaign to protect the Xingu.
January: a 3’ video written by Mrs. Dutilleux and Bouchet and produced by Yemaya productions in Paris showing the devastation of the Amazon and its global consequences.
Mr. Dutilleux and Mr. Braekman go to California to set up the premises of a US campaign to follow the European Campaign set for May 2019.
February to April Preparation of 6TH campaign schedules, meetings and events.
May 5: Mr. Dutilleux returns to Brazil to pick up the Indian delegation in the Xingu with a film crew from French TV France 2.
May 12- 31: The delegation arrives with Mr. Dutilleux in Paris May 12 to launch the 6th international campaign by the AFV.
The delegation will tour France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Monaco and Italy.
The Indians and Mr. Dutilleux meet French President E. Macron, Grand Duke of Luxembourg, Prince Albert of Monaco, Prime Minister of Luxembourg, French Ecology Minister, mayors of Paris, Lyon, Brussels, Luxembourg, Geneva.
The campaign is invited at the Cannes film festival May 24 where the world media gives the opportunity to Chief Raoni and the delegation to share, globally, their desperate plea to save the Amazon.
The last stop is in Rome where they meet Pope Francis at the Vatican.
During the campaign the Indians attend numerous meetings and fundraisers set up by the AFV in 6 countries.
So far, the European campaign has raised over 1.500.000 Euros to protect the Xingu region of the Amazon.
October 5-26: Mr. Dutilleux is a special guest of Pope Francis to attend the Synod “Pan Amazonia” at the Vatican to share his knowledge with hundreds of ecclesiasts. The pope is very concerned with the Amazon destruction and wants the church to be involved in its protection.
November 6-19: Mr. Dutilleux with Chiefs Raoni and Tapi arrive in Los Angeles, California to start a US campaign.
They meet numerous celebrities and politicians as guests at the SUMMIT Convention downtown.
Plans are set for 2020 to pursue in the US the financing of numerous projects in the Xingu.
This campaign is now on hold until the Corona virus pandemic is under control.
AFV : Association pour la Forêt Vierge, founded in 1989 by Mr. Jean-Pierre Dutilleux and Bernard Laine. Jean-Pierre Dutilleux is actually his Honorary President.
FUNAI: Government foundation of the Indians.
RFF: Rainforest Foundation